How I dealt with the Aphids on my cucumber plants

What the heck are Aphids?  I had never heard of those tiny pests until now.  They are tiny bugs that love to live on plants and they look like tiny black spots on your stems, leaves and vegetable.  Or they can make your stems look fuzzy.

This is what my cucumber plants looked like two days ago.  At first glance I thought it was just the dirt from the planter, we had a storm come through. I really thought the storm just blew the dirt up on them.  Then I saw one move.....eek 0.0.   Yes I can be a bit girly sometimes.  I got on the internet and YouTube to find out what to do.  As with many things on the world wide web, you have to decipher what to believe.  After a few hours of looking and find a consistent theme, I decided to go with what seemed to work for many. 

Castile Soap and Peppermint Oil.  I washed my plants and the leaves with the soap that I also added one drop of peppermint oil to the water.  The soap dries out the bugs and the peppermint masks the smell of your plants so it does not attract them.  The next day my plants looked "dirt free".  Today they remain that way.

You can what the video where I show you what they looked liked before and after.

Aphids be gone


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