Sense of fulfillment

It has been a little over a week that I cleaned the cucumber plants.  It looks like it will last a week.  I sprayed the plants and washed with castile soap/peppermint oil.  This morning the plants are again aphid free. 

The garden is growing nicely.  We have tons of cherry tomatoes picked.  A lot of cucumbers growing.  Carrots and green beans growing.  The sugar peas are bouncing back and have a few growing.  The zucchini plants are flowing and the onions are thriving.  We have a nice little garden growing.  I cannot wait to find us the perfect land to call ours and get busy.

 I have found the work to be very rewarding and a sense of satisfaction I have never had with my job.  One does not have to worry about satisfaction scores, employee  engagement scores, action plans, productivity and so many other things.  It is solely the fruit of my own labor and yes there are things like weather, bugs, and birds that may interfere with the garden but those things can be addressed.

I only wished I had enough funds at this moment to quite my job and start a homestead. But we have enough money to purchase land and that is a start.  We are trying to leave my retirement fund and pension alone.  However I think it would be a good investment to be mortgage free and be self sustaining with a homestead.

Thank you for letting me ramble today.


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